Saturday, May 24, 2008

Windows Movie Maker

Our final project this semester was to create a video using Windows Movie Maker. I chose to do 2 videos. Both are inspired by my InDesign magazine layout on shoes and its sponsor The first is a general commercial advertising the website. The second is also a commercial for the website but it's message is to not miss the weekend sale.

I decided to use a mix of both real video footage and still picture. My friend Carissa and I, had a lot of fun filming. It was a long process choosing between clips and cutting down long footage to just the necessary parts. Also, i was able to integrate my newly developed Audacity skills for one of the video's commentary and for music on the other. As corny as they are, the videos are fun to look back at for a little laugh and also appreciate my video editing skills, as amature as they are.

Monday, May 12, 2008

My APSC63 Projects

1. Image Edition (Photoshop):

2. Hypertext (Dreamweaver):

3. Print Design (InDesign):

4. Audio Podcast (Audacity): Radio Ad (Mp3)

5. Video Podcast (Windows Movie Maker) ROUGH CUT:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


We've recently submitted our audio podcast project that was made using the program Audacity. This project for me was a lot of fun. I was introduced to another program i wouldn't ordinarly use. It's pretty cool how you can manipulate sound and cut segments, paste others together, add fade, stingers, etc. The only daunting task, however, was looking for a track to add to the background that fit with my message along with stingers that would catch an audience's attention and make the podcast fun. I chose to do an advertisement of my Indesign page layout's sponsor, I meant for my podcast to sound as if it were an ad on the radio, the kind that comes on right before a set of music is played ("This hour of music is brought to you by...").

My audacity skills could still use a little work, but since this program is free and not just a trial, i have plenty of time for practice. I'll post the podcast once i figure out how. =)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Currently in apsc63 class, we are working on a magazine spread using a program called Adobe InDesign. I'm pretty unfamiliar with the program but a lot of the tools seem to me similar to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe dreamweaver. With practice and in-class exercises, i'm sure i'll get the hang of it eventually.

For the assignment, I've decided to create a spread on fashion, more sepcifically, SHOES: spring trends of 2008. I'll be sure to report back with the final result!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Our next project is creating a webpage for an imaginary website using Adobe Dreamweaver. I've chosen to create a website for my fantasy bakery i've named "Bunny's Bakery". It's located in San Francisco, and according to my fake costumer testimonials, it's supposedly the best bakery there is! It specializes in delicious baked goods and catering services for any special occassion.

Dreamweaver, in my experience, was a little difficult to use and get the hang of. Using the grid or columns was complicated and it was hard manipulating the size and spacing. It took me forever going back and forth making sure the spacing and sizing of the columns was consistant among all four of my websites pages. Overall, i was pretty happy about the end result. It almost looks like a legitimate website, minus the latin fill text and fake information all together. The banner could have been a little clearer, but photoshop is a whole other story. so check out my website and enjoy!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First Blog.

yo yoo yoooo, APSC63/MCOM63.

first blog. so far so good.

everyone have a great day!

<3 aubs